My grandma found out I am going on a vacation and acted like I was being...


May 13, 2008
...selfish cause I need a break? My grandma found out I am going on vacation to San Diego for a couple weeks during my summer break from college with my boyfriend and she told me I was selfish because I am leaving to go have about 2 weeks so I take a break from caring for my disabled brother. I often get him ready for school, babysit him while they are out of town on vacation or just to have alone time, bathe him, put him to bed and care for him in general and I haven't really had a break ever. In my grandmother's opinion it's my duty to take care of my brother because I'm a girl so it's my responsibilty but It's taking a toll on me. I'm exhausted, I have back pain from having to lift him all the time, I get so overwhelmed and I don't get to have a day where I can just go do the stuff Ilike whenever I want. Am I selfish for wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend and wanting to get away from all the stress I go through?
My mom is going to care for him if he doesn't get into assisted living b the time I leave. If he can get in before the end of school it'll be great because he is ready to be on his own. As for the care. I started helping with him at 16 and my parents got so used to it that they rely on me most of the time as did my grandma if we went to visit her for a weekend. My mom can't lift him so her friend is gonna help her with the lifting but that's about it.
Oh and my grandma is somewhat old fashioned and thinks it's a girls job to care for a sibiling and servethem and what not. She grew up that way and thinks I should l serve and care for my brother no mater what