My Girlfriend doesn;t want to ever see me But she says shes in love with me! ?


May 12, 2008
heres my situation. I just recently turned 18 years old and my girl friend is 15 almost 16 I'm a senior in high school and shes a sophomore and we both go to the same school. I've been dating her for 10 months. but the thing is for the first 7 months shes been hiding me from here parents. Her father is Indian and her mom is Canadian and there both really strict parents. becuase of this we could barely see each other out side school my Gf is also one of those poeple that does everything her parents ask she says if she says no to them that shes losing there respect. Well This makes things even harder becuase i can never see her outside school. and she makes plans to go with her freinds to the movies or w.e and she never invites me i understand if she was busy and had things to do it would be ok but the fact that even when she has flat out has nothing to do she still doesn't want to see me. I always ask her to do something with me but she always replys no . I know what your thinking maybe she not into you I a sure I've been thinking that but she goes to me and says she loves me and kisses me passionate when were alone and says she does n;t wanna be with anyone else. I'm her first boy friend and her first kiss and shes my first girlfriend and my first kiss also. Her mom found out about me three months ago when she took her phone away and read my text messages .... on that note her parents don;t let her date. And shes scared of her father.... also every time i've given her a gift out of love shes tried to break up with me. I gave her a promise ring for our half year becuase i can honestly say i love this girl then she broke up with me for about 4 days before realizing how dumb she was. Then there was a day were i could see she was having a bad day so i went to buy her flowers and put them on her desk of her 8th period class before she came in with a little note. she broke up with me a period later . . . then got back with me a month later. also on that note my gf is very conservative in the fact that for ten months of dating all we done is made out like a gazillion times. I feel like I'm not appreciated at all. I try to put allot of effort into our relationship but it seems she doesn't take it ass seriously as i do. I've ask her if you don;t want this then leave me and let me get on with my life but she says no and wants to be with me. I've ask her to get the courage to tell her parents becuase i feel that would help our relationship so much but she does;t have the strength i've even offer to go in with her and help her. . . but no cigar. She doesn't say things a girlfriend would do she hates when I'm romantic with her lol or she never says i love u when people are around. There was a time were i drove 45 minutes to her house just to say high to her i call her and she was like freaking out saying go away I'm gonna get in trouble my dads in the house blah blah.... I've even gotten to the point were i was like yo i'm ok if you don't want see all the time how about ounce a month we go on a date .... shes like idk! ... Any advice por favor!