My gf complains that my penis is too big and doesn't like to have sex


New member
Jul 6, 2008
very often. How big is too big? Average? I am 21 years old and am told I have an "above average" penis size. My current gf complains about it and states that it is too big. Some of my female friends (emphasis on "friends" not to be confused with fwb) say she should stop complaining and consider herself lucky. I have been with some girls previous to her and they say somewhat of the same thing (it hurts, its too big, etc...). Almost all have cried during and after sex cause it hurt. I have measured my penis before on four or five separate occasions and yielded different results every time. I personally think I am below average and need one just a little bit bigger. The measurements were between 7 1/2 in. to just under 9 3/4 in. long and around 4 1/2 in. to 5 in. in circumference Is this normal or is something out of ordinary here? What can I do to help my gf enjoy sex a little more? Any and all ideas are very helpful and appreciated.