my "friend" stole my wallet.

my "friend" stole my wallet.

what if he takes out a lot of books and dont return them !1!1!1!
my "friend" stole my wallet.

i need my wallet, im just goanna beam a couple stones through his windows and stuff if he wont give it back. hes being the biggest douchebag ever.
my "friend" stole my wallet.

3 pages of replies, and you haven't listened to a thing anybody has said to you.
my "friend" stole my wallet.

because everyone is saying to like rape him and stuff.....
my "friend" stole my wallet.

Maybe stop spending money on fucking ralph lauren wallets?

Shens on car, I'm pretty sure 12 year olds can't drive.
my "friend" stole my wallet.

Shens you're older, this is coming from the kid who made the thread "zomg my brother smells like smoke omgomg i'm scared should i tell on him? :ugh: "