My friend is constantly complaining about her weight but won't do anything about it?


May 20, 2008
My friend has really low self esteem mainly centered around her weight and she is constantly complaining about it. This would all be fine if she were actually trying to change it, but then she comes home and eats extremely unhealthy things. She's a good friend of mine and I really want to help her because I know that it's hard on her, but I don't know how to gently reprimand her about her eating habits especially when I'm not the healthiest eater either.
We've tried motivating her and I work out four times a week and ask her to join me every time with no luck.
Simple, work together, get a group of girls to start working out together motivate eachother. Same with eating, it's easier to eat healthy with other and having another voice to say no to the junk.
Let me talk to her. After a conversation with me, she will have better habits.
Albert Einstein once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Basically, it's crazy to think you can do the same thing and expect to suddenly lose weight. Weight loss takes a change for it to happen. You just need to tell her, STOP complaining unless you are actually going to do something about it! You don't have to say it mean, just next time she complains ask "well have you tried a new diet or exercise? Anything?" and when she says no, tell her she can't really complain then.

You can exercise.
You can eat healthier.
You can eat less.

I used to be overweight and lost about 65lbs a couple years ago, and all I did was eat less. I didn't exercise more than normal, and I didn't change WHAT I ate, just HOW MUCH. My weight loss probably would've went faster if I did the other things, but I didn't want to :p lol So just saying if your friend isn't gung-ho about doing ALL that change, she can just do one at first and it will help.

Basically, all I did was find out how many calories I eat per day (it was well over 2,000 and you shouldn't ever go over that!) then I slowly lessened how much I was eating over time. A good rule is not to eat unless you are actually hungry (don't snack just because you are bored or there is a free sample). Lessen her calorie intake and she should drop some weight, even if it's unhealthy food she is eating.