My folks smoke weed, should I reveal to them I'm a stoner?


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Last Thanksgiving, My Mom and her boyfriend randomly invited me to smoke a blunt with them. Now my Mom has asked me if I've ever smoked weed and for the past 5 years I've told her it was very little - next to nothing. That of course has been a flat out lie. I've been continuously toking in secret that entire time. A few days ago, she asked me if I wanted to smoke with her boyfriend to start off her birthday. Naturally I wont turn down a blunt, so I joined them. She thinks I have such a low tolerance and thinks I'm a naive toker. At 22, and knowing what I know about my folks, I feel like the charade is getting old. I haven't told my Mom, because I didn't want her to worry about my grades or what have you. But I've been doing insanely well at school all these years, I'm also making strides in my career field (she's well aware of this). I feel like any concerns she would have had about weed affecting the important things I want in life, would be thrown out because I'm still on top of things.

I want to tell them for a couple reasons. Firstly, I don't want to ever feel nervous smoking weed in my own room again. Secondly, my Mom's boyfriend, who lives with us and is really nice, has his own stash of medical grade bud. Now my biggest complaint in smoking at home is that it's never available in my town (I always have to wait to go back to the city). I feel like telling them would make it okay for me to ask him where he got his, or maybe one step further and let me have some (to cut cost and travel a bit), or create a space where I can freely toke with my folks a little more.

They must've had suspicions. Should I tell them or continue to keep this a secret hobby?