My Fiancee Im not asking about the future..but How do I fix it for today?


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Im looking more for girls opinions than guys but anyhow..A little background on Her: She sometimes asks me if my guy friends think shes attractive which ines think shes most attractive and how do I know. Sho does this not because she likes other guys she says but because in the past she NEVER got the attention and now that she does she likes THE ATTENTION not THE GUYS. I can totally understand that!

Now She has a job in the Math Lab at Campus and there is a guy there who is a tutor, Well yestarday I was in there I noticed he was looking at her and came up to her to make small talk he seemed nervous she was smiling. Of course she says she smiles at everyone she cant be mean. Anyhow after i jokingly teased her about it that day we dropped it. Today she texts me saying "Lovey I just got Heavily hit on, Love you ;)" I met up with her like an hour ago and her sister her sister in front of her and me swore to GOD to say the whole truth. She told me that MY fiancee had Gossiped to HER ABOUT the Small talk tihis guy was making with her YESTERDAY the one I made no big deal about She FELT SHE HAD TO GO AND GOSSIP TO HER SISTER ABOUT IT then she told me this same guy today met her in the halway and made small talk w her then today at the math lab He was asking her are you Persian? and she asked him what about you are you mixed he said Why do I look funny She said No and smiled and that he was staring at her multiple times. That is nott the problem I can buy that she was only being friendly I told her Thats fine but theres ways to be friendly and still indicate your NOT INTERESTED. Then her sister told me what REALLY PISSED ME OFF: That she asked her about SIX times Was he staring at me! Did you see him stare at me? When did he stare at me!? etc...This reallllyl pissed me off!! So then I asked her WHY DID YOU ASK THAT? she laughed nervously and said I Dont know and giggled..I kept asking and she kept laughing saying I DONT KNOW it was very funny to her the way I was reacting..I walked off and she told her sister I mean He's just a nice guy...Then she comes after me and says loveyyyyyy! Common..I say to her Shut up. I didnt yell it I just said it. The rest of the time she Didnt speak to me she tore the grocery bag out of my hand and was very upset. before I left I said Im sorry I overeacted. And then when I got to my friends home I texted her saying this: Im sorry I over reacted, I just heard about you asking your sister wether some guy was looking at you repeatedly and I didnt like that.....

So far no responce..By the way its our anniversary tomorrow...what to do now?

By the way she tells me that Girls flirt and hit on me all the time and it dosnt make her angry it just makes her proud. I tell her I dont care for it and I indicate Im not interested.
I tell her shes beautiful EVERY DAY i compliment her EVERY DAY I have walked HOUrs in the sun to see her..I dont think thats the problem...By the way I want to know HOW to make her happy for today...even if its unfair to me I DONT CARE I LOVE HER>