My ex girlfriend told me she still loves me and wants to get back together in...


May 25, 2008
...the near future? Me and my current ex just went through a rough break up. she came over a few nights ago to drop off some things and to pick up some of her things.... She gets out of her car looks me in the eye and than hugs me with tears in her eyes she says "sorry" thats it ... i ask why did we break up she says " Me and my dad have been fighting alot and with that and work (she works 2 jobs) i never see you" she than still hugging me says i still love you and i want to get back together once stuff is sorted out. we proceed to kiss and **** and she didnt want to let go. Basically what i got out of it is she wants to take a break to keep from disappointing me/ making me feel shes ditching me... I thought i was over her but my heart thinks other wise.

Ive heard rumors of her cheating on me and she PROMISES me that the kid made them up for me to hate her. i never saw evidence of it. I cannot get her out of my head.

Any Advice?

IMPORTANT: she gave me some of her AC/DC t-shirts for my birthday (because she knows i like them and wrote on the card "if you ever miss me put on one of my shirts and it'll be like im right here in your arms" ... i offered to give her the shirts back but she insisted i keep them, most likely for that reason.
HAve you heard of someone "stringing someone along"? That is what she is doing to you. She probably was cheating on you and may want to date others, but she is stringing you along in case it doesn't work out.

With working 2 jobs she is busy and her dad may be a problem, but still you were not complaining. I think she just wants to date others and not be tied down to one person. Anymore people jump into a relationship way too soon. They don't take the time to get to know one another more or to date others to see the qualities one likes in a girl or guy. and people get hurt.

she may not know what love is. So when she tells you she loves you, she may feel affection for you, and she may mix that up with love. She evidently does get things mixed up and if she has a rocky relationship with her dad and was in an abusive relationship before, she has problems and may not understand love. Whether or not she can someday find real love and make a commitment is hard to say. She may need counseling.

don't think this is not over. You need to move on with your life. she might be more interested if you sent the tshirts back saying you didn't need them anymore. I think she wants what is not good for her. She is choosing men who are "exciting" but not nice guys. It could be because her dad is a problem and may be abusive to her in some ways or is demanding. women who stay with losers who hurt them have a need for excitement but at a cost to them. The guys don't really love them, but may be possessive. it sonuds terrible but you might be too nice a guy for her. Dn't change though. There will be someone who will apprecitae you. if down the road she wants to come back, you would be better to insist she get counseling first with a psychologist. She needs to work out her problems and hang ups before she can reall y love anyone. ou don't need the rollercoaster ride she will give you.

Good luck to you.
She jsut needs some time to sort her life out. Just give it some time and make her know you're there for her if she need to talk to someone.

But don't wait too much time, some guys and girls do this to keep you interested as a backup plan in case dating other people doesn't work.

Not saying it applies to you but...
she just needs time to sort things out don't think this as a break up but as a pause in your relationship *:)
At the moment she is the one in control. She knows she can go off and do what ever she wants because you will be there waiting. It's time to turn the tables. You need to apply the 'no contact rule' where you break off every single form of contact for about 2-3 weeks and she will most likely panic and call you. If she does it means she misses you and wants you but if she doesn't it means she didn't care and it's over. Yes she works 2 jobs and issues with her father. You know what? I've got issues, you have issues, everybody has issues. That's an excuse.
Go out and see other people and have fun. Don't be a doormat.

Good luck
This is something really great but do you still love her. Any way just give her a chance if she want it. Wish you a good luck.