My ex-friend keeps spreading rumors about me!?


New member
Nov 4, 2008
In March of 2009, I was casually IM'ing my friend Karly*(name's been changed). At the same time I was on Facebook talking to my friend Mark*. Here was Karlys and my conversation.

Me: Hey

Her: HI

Me: How are you?

Her: good. u

Me: I'm good. Mark is telling me a secret right now :DD

Her: what is it?

Me: I can't say.


I knew that was wrong, but she had been bragging about all of these animals she has and all of the things shes getting, so I did it in return. She suddenly burst out.


I was more done with this relationship than she was. But I just listened to what she had to say. She suddenly said, "AND YOU KILL ANIMALS"

Excuse me?
That is the dumbest rumor I've ever heard. But I've lost a friend, my only friend at a time, because we lived to far away and argued. So her and I decided not to be friends, and that was it. But my other friend Emily* never spread any rumors about me. It was kind of: okay, we aren't friends, bye, i'll miss you. That was it.

But Karly* keeps on spreading rumors. And I really don't care, but its starting to piss me off. I've gotten emails from my friends who are best friends with her, saying that they don't want to be friends with me because I'm a freak. All of this fake stuff that I've never done because they believe Karly*.

What I know lately, is that she's been only saying that I kill animals. Which is dumb. Seriously....

But what do I do??
This has gone on too long.
&& I'm afraid if I email her about it she'll think, "YES! This bothers her:) Let me think of more rumors to spread... ohhh this is good"
well just ignore it all and make new friends. who cares about her! You guys live far away from each other don't let it bother you. Who cares, make new friends where you live. Forget about the past and just put your eyes on the future.
Well i know how u feel just email but dont be rude with it just be brief act mature and let that be the last message u send to her she is just doing that so you can do it in return (meaning spread a rumor about her) and if any of those ppl are your real friends they will see right through her bull!!!!
if you're in school, do you have a guidance counselor you could talk to? she could probably stop it.
in my school, a LOT of rumours go around.
like you said, 'i i don't care'
don't pay attention!
my mom used to always tell me
'if someone makes fun of you, pretend not to care and ignore the whole situation. if you keep showing them you're bothered by it, then that will give them the satisfaction to continue'
get it?
i wish you good luck though.

people can be so low these days.
Tell her to grow up. You are better than her sweetie. No one likes rumor spreaders. Just know that you dont kill animals & your true friends will know you dont do anything that Karly* says. Hope i helped and Karly* gets over herself.
Tell her I don't kill animals but I may start killing humans, mainly YOU if you keep spreading rumors about me.
the best thing you can ever do is be the bigger person.
DO NOT spread anythign about her.
just let her look like the moron.

Don't react.
What I've learned is that the best reaction, is no reaction.
Keep your head held high. Make new friends, and make sure you are happy and forget her. If you have facebook/myspace post something like "is tired of these stupid rumors going around because they aren't true." So people can see that they're fake. But she'll get tired of the rumor spreading over time, people will eventually forget that stuff.
You are not responsible for other people's actions or feelings. Don't concern yourself with them. Only do the right thing for yourself and let children be children.