My dogs strange behavior lately...?


May 12, 2008
I am the lucky owner of a 7 year old Golden Retriever. Now don't get me wrong i love my dog, she is the light of my life. I saw her being born and i raised her, been through a lot together! She has been acting very needy lately.. she never would sleep a full night with me in my bed.. she likes to sleep in the kitchen on the tile it feels good on her belly :) but recently she stays the whole night. my parents will let her out of my room in the morning to go to the restroom and they leave for work and she comes whining at my door. It's become apparent to me she has been having this why she is seeking attention at night? I attend College so i'm usually not home since i have an apartment in my college town. So is this maybe another reason, she just wants more time with me? and Lastly, i've been home for 2 weeks because i was bit by a brown recluse worries it's getting better! but when i was first home from the bite she would never leave... thats why her odd neediness started.

So i guess my question is does anyone else have dogs who seek comfort from nightmares? or is this just my dog realizing i'm hurt and missing me trying to spend quality time with mama.

i'm just worried, like i said she is the light of my life and i don't want her to be afraid from nightmares