My dog jumped on my Nuts please help lol?


May 17, 2008
yeah this might sound stupid but i appreciate the help in advance. In the morning my like 45 pound dog jumped up on my bed and jumped on the left side of my nuts and i woke up in shock and it knocked the wind out of me it hurt pretty bad. anyways it has been about 5 or 6 days i cant remember but it didn't hurt for the next few days but now it is kind of hurting. it only hurts when i touch the area and maybe when i jump other then that its fine. and i dont want to lay on my left side because it sort of hurts. i was wondering what some opinions are on this if maybe i should go see a doctor or if it is most likely just bruised. Any opinion is appreciated. I am 19 if that helps at all. thanks alot this is very awkward haha