My cat poops on the edge of the litter box so it ends up on the floor lol?


Jun 1, 2008
I have a female cat thats almost 2 years old. Nowadays she would do her business super close to the edge of the litter box. Lately most of her poop has actually ended up on the ground and she tries to hide a mat over it. How can I get her to not so be so close to the edge? And why would she do this?

I had a cat before that would do this but only for peeing! He'd get in the box and stick his butt out of the edge so he peed on the floor mat everyday. I was too little to care how to resolve this & that my dad took care of it.

But now since my cat now is still pretty young, I dont want her habits to continue throught her life. Any advice?

Theres 3 cats total in my house, with 2 litterboxes.

Our litter boxes are pretty large because we have multiple cats, she just chooses to stay at the edge. My other cats are fine with their habits. Id like to try using a lid by I dont think ours came with one :(
My husband's cat is a dunce. She has always been dumb about pooping over the edge of the box. As a single man, he always just cleaned up after her and shrugged it off. However, when we married, I set about to solve this poop-on-the-floor problem.

First we tried the kind of litterbox that has a cover over it and an entrance on the side. The idiot still pooped right outside of the entrance. She would get her whole tiny body into the box and would still have room to step forward a few steps before pooping, but noooooo, she would just poop right there at the door.

So then we got this:
Only thing that works for dumb cats.
Take away the privilege of having a litter box, make her go outside. Just kidding, if the litter box is deeper then she can't sit by on the edge. You should watch her when she goes and move her if she does that.
What you need are DEEPER litter boxes. I have a really tall male cat that was alway's "squirting" over the edge of every "regular" litter box we tried.....and....I have 10 other indoor cats, who hate covered,

I went to Walmart and bought 8 large ( blanket storage size ) plastic Sterilite "totes", for $4.00 each! These are 18 gallon, 23 1/2" x 18" x 15" TALL......They're large enough that a cat can pee or poop, turn around and cover it, WITHOUT STEPPING IN it......and they're too tall for any cat to poop / pee over the side........AND, the litter stays inside the box. Since the sides of the "totes" are 15" tall, you can put 4 or 5 inches of litter in the bottom, and the cat still can't "toss" it out.......or pee / poop over the sides.........Since they are not covered, I just clean any "smelly" poop, whenever I see / smell that a "deposit" has been made. Simple, easy to clean and cheap......What more can anyone ask for.........

For $4.00 each, you could try ( I'd suggest at least 2 of these ), and if the cats don't like the larger boxes, at least you'll still have storage containers for "stuff"......They come with lids, so I set the box on top of the ( up-side-down ), if you need to stop using them for litter boxes, you'll still have the lids for the "containers"........

As for the covers on litter boxes.......most cats don't like them, because they "hold in" the poopy odors, and make it stink under the "dome".......then, they'll find an open ( out of the box ) place to poop!

Since I've been recommending these "totes", I've heard of a lot of people who already are using Rubbermaid containers for this..........Guess I'm not the only one with "messy" cats!

Hope this helps, and you get at least one and try it.........Good luck.
I also have multiple cats, and on the advice of another frequent contributor, I just replaced my litter boxes with giant clear storage bins from Walmart. Seriously, these things are so big they come almost up to my knees and I put an empty litter bucket (with the lid on) next to it so that the cats could get in. It took a day or two (don't get rid of your old boxes immediately) but my cats love them. They're roomy enough that the cats can do their business without stepping in anything, and I like the clear plastic surface because nothing sticks to it. There's only a fraction of the litter tracking I used to have, and nothing gets over the edge. They cost me $9 a piece.

I've tried litter boxes with lids over the years, but I always wind up taking them off because it's such a pain to have to clean all the boxes PLUS all the lids. It adds an extra step to scooping. In addition, some cats don't like them.

Good luck. I hope you find a solution that works for you.
You might need a bigger liter box,or you can try getting a lid to go over the liter box so she can't poop on the floor.Is her liter box a little bit to full?That may be her problem to,if it is then scoop it out or change the liter.May help but if not i would follow the other tips.

Good Luck!
Just get a biger box or put the box in a bigger box so if she does it will not end up on the floor
YOU NEED an additional, new box. Multiple cats using the few cat boxes in the house does NOT mean they all will like it. I know one guy with a cat who would only deal with her own litter box....anyway, you need another box, plenty of litter and cleaned out often because this cat sounds really finicky and if you don't want that grossness on the floor, make it more appealing by a brand new box and fresh litter and plenty of it. Get a new cat litter box with one of those big tiant dome tops over it, I can't believe people have litter boxes without those tops on there, gross. That's all there is to it, honest.