My cat just had a seizure! Help!!!?


New member
Oct 29, 2011
My cat just had a seizure for the first time. She's about 5 years old. She's been kind of acting weird for the past few months but we never thought anything of it. She has had sores on her body for a while and we could never figure out what they were from. One time she just went in the bathroom in the dark and just sat there for hours. I mean she has always been kind of a weird cat but not like she has been lately. Before she had the seizure my mom said she fell of the couch. Then she was shaking and kind of moving her eyes and ears and at first we thought it was maybe just ear mites but then she had the seizure and we don't know. Can someone please tell me what this could be or what to do. Any advice would be great. And please don't just say go to the vet, we don't have the money to take her.
Get her to an emergency vet asap!!!!! This is no time to think about it, if you care for your pet and this seems out of the ordinary, better get her checked out!
Im sorry but the only thing you can do is take her to the vet, It sucks but thats serious.