My car was hit in a parking garage, I have witness testamonies and picture evidence.?


New member
Sep 17, 2011

Unfortunitly my car was hit while parked in a parking garage where I live. A cleaning lady saw the whole incident and took pictures of the car while it was still next to mine. The apartment then called the cops, a sergeant came out and took down the statement from the cleaning lady, pictures of the incident, pictures of their car, and made a accident investigation case. I gave my insurance company the case number, what do I do at this point? Do I just sit back and wait from the cops/insurance to contact the perpetrator? Also, how good is this evidence... I have a witness, pictures, my paint was on their car, and we also have video surveillance at the apartment. Also, what kind of legal charges could this person face in the state of Texas? And am I the one who presses legal charges or is that up the police investigator?

Thanks for the help guys, I've never been in this situation and appreciate all answers.
You sit and wait. You do not press charges, the DA does so after the police provide a report. There is little chance the person will be charged criminally, since he can probably argue "I didn't realize I'd hit him". However, your insurance will be able to sue him for the cost of repairs (they take care of that, btw)