My brorher's fatass of a wife got rid of my quad bike?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
I'm 14 and I got that squad for my 11th birthday and I'm well angry about it because it cost £4000 brand new, she got rid of the bike because she thinks they're dangerous. But I only ride it in my garden and have plenty of space to ride it as well. She tries to act like a mother figure and she bosses me, my brother and my father about all the time, is she just upset by the fact that she's so fat that when she sits on the quad bike it won't move because she's so fat and her weight is holding it down?
Knowing enough teens and parents and how you articulate this story. I suspect theres more to the reason and logic then her being large and vindictive. My guess would be if shes acts like your mom in a discipline way she also acts like a mom in care giving way that you don't mention. I assume it was a safety issue. Or maybe a retaliating for poor behavior in other manners.