My Boyfriend Wont Show PDA !?


May 11, 2008
My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months and hes planning on marrying me but there are a few things I'm not comfortable with.
1. He only has girl friends. He told me that since hes grown up around girls, thats just what hes used to.
2. He says rude stuff but once he realizes im upset he tells me hes just kidding .
3. I told him I dont feel comfy with him having girl friends and being around em all the time and he got mad at me.
4. The only time he eats lunch with me is when his female friends arent there.
5. He isnt very affectionate at school. Anywhere else he treats me like a gf but at school its on rare occassions and he NEVER holds my hand at school .
6. He almost NEVER texts or calls me first .
7. He wont tell me when hes going to his girl friends house or when they are going to his house.
I dont wanna change him and I love him so much but this stuff rly irritates me and idk how to let him know without making him mad. Advice pls ?