My boyfriend jokes about hurting me. Wtf should I do?


May 13, 2008
So here's the scoop, my boyfriend and I have been on and off for about two years. We've had our issues, but it's all about normal stuff (other girls/guys, emotions, religion, etc). He has never ever hit me before, and I don't think he ever would.

HOWEVER, lately he has become freakishly intrigued by how small boned I am, especially compared to himself. He calls them "bird bones" and practically drools at the mouth as he places his forearm perpendicular against mine and says, "You know how easily I could just snap your arm like a twig? Oh, yeah." And he'll laugh. Or he'll grab my leg and pretend like he's going to snap it, or elbow me in the skull. It's almost like he's getting off on how easily he could overpower me. And he'll ask me things like, "What would you do if I just punched you in the face right now? What would you do if I just broke your arm?"

Now, I have Asperger's and a history of reading into things way too much. He'll say things like this and then just go back to normal, playing with my fingers or petting me, like some crazy weird sh!t did not just happen, which leaves me to wonder, does it matter? It's not like he's ever hit me, and I still don't (necessarily) think he would. I'm just completely weirded out right now. I'm talking about a serious BAD VIBE, people.

Advice per favore!
Thanks for the input guys, that really helps.

And just fyi in case my question seemed silly or obvious, Asperger's is sort of like ADHD but with regards to people. Essentially, my brain just isn't hardwired to understand people or social situations, which means that dating in particular is very confusing to me. While I am very sad at the implications of these comments (and nervous about the next step), I am taking them to heart.
ummMmm.. that's scary to think about. the person that loves you will be saying those things. I mean; saying is one thing, say you & him have it out one day "argument" . What's from stopping him from SERIOUSLY hurting you o_O