My boyfriend is on vacation and he drives me crazy, it is normal?


New member
Feb 15, 2008
My boyfriend is on vacations with his whole family right now while I'm in school and working (both full time). He calls me and RAVES about the good times he has, and how they are taking it easy, and getting up at 11, and taking their breakfast outside, blabla....

I'm glad he enjoys his time.. but seriously, I just think it is insensitive to tell me all that knowing that I'm working my butt off and being in a cold winter.. it gets me crazy!..

But the worst part is when he tells me.. '... I so wish you could be here'..



Am my reaction normal? Is he being a little unempathic?
Boys are a little dense...He is calling you because he is thinking of you on his vacation and wants to include you in some way even though you are not there.

I would say your reaction is normal, I would be a little peeved too lol but don't look at it like he is teasing you about his awesome vacation, because he probably genuinely is not, he just wants you there and wants you included and wants you to know you are still being thought of while he is having fun on vacation.

Tease him a little back, say something like. "I'm glad you are having so much fun, take awesome pics for me!" Or "you better bring me back an awesome souvenir!! lol"