My boyfriend calls me names and threatens me when we argue?


May 20, 2008
I really need some advice..i don't know what to do anymore. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 months now. He's 5 years older than me and age to me doesnt mean anything so no need to comment on that..but everytime we argue its over dumb things. Yes i have screwed up before too cause he hates it if i even talk to another guy and i know that but i do it anyway. I dont think it is anything major though if they are my friend and nothing more. When we argue he says things like " you stupid B***h" " i hate you" "we,re through" "all you have is your looks" and many more hurtful things. I have tried talking to him and all he does is apologizes and says he doesnt mean it cause he says things when he is mad. Its like he has to get to the point where i cry to feel bad. Sometimes i think it is on purpose. I would leave him but I love him way too much. I lost my virginity to him too and that means so much to me. I really thought he was the one but now all he wants to do is argue and say hurtful things. He makes me feel like im the one to blame and i do everything wrong. He also comes from an abusive family and i think that is part of the problem. But i really dont know what to do..please help me
well you could be his b!tch, or you could open your eyes and know you dont need his sorry ass. you wont change him believe me. just move on to a better guy who will treat you better
Honestly hun, I think the only answer anyone will give on here is to leave him. It will hurt for a while but you will meet the right guy and then you will realise that leaving your current boyfriend was for the better. Everything has its own way of working out for the best. Be brave and you will find a man who will not abuse you and who will give you the love you really will! :D All the best x