My best friend ALWAYS gossips? Help?


Mar 18, 2008
You see, I'm a very quiet/reserved person. I like keeping to myself unless I'm with my best friend. Around her, I feel comfortable enough to talk about anything. However, she always chooses to talk 'smack' about other people. It's either that or she speaks of someone... It's never about anything else like books/events/ideas or anything thought-provoking. Whenever she gossips, I deem it necessary to gossip, though I absolutely hate it! I don't think much of people, but when I do, I keep it to myself. She, on the other hand, only talks about people. Nothing else and it gets tiring sometimes. I feel like she's causing me to become just like her and gossip all the time when I don't want to. I find it rude saying shit about people I barely know, or people I'm not friends with.
What should I do? I'm quiet, so when I'm around her.. I allow her to initiate conversations and I go along with whatever she says... I'll respond to whatever topic (gossip) she brings up. Keep in mind that when I try changing the subject.... We'll stay on it for a while, and then she'll suddenly switch it over to talking about people.
Tell her exactly what you told Y! Answers. You think it's rude and unnecessary and if she seriously can't talk about anything else, tell her to stay quiet. If she's truly your friend she'll respect this.