My baby Roxy <3

My baby Roxy <3

very true

my roomate jsut got a snake. its small as fuck right now and its already eating live ones.
My baby Roxy <3

My freind had a chinchilla and a ferret that were BFF until the ferret ate the chinchilla. :nododgy:
My baby Roxy <3

Nothing compared to my 22" Brown Banded Bamboo Shark BiiiTcch.
My baby Roxy <3

I would not sleep with a snake if I was paid, I have nothing wrong with them but getting strangled in my sleep is not a fun way to go out.
My baby Roxy <3

i lol'd. A high snake, that be bad ass to see. just make sure you dont fall asleep, the fucker'd bite ur dick off.


no served with a slice of gay. :crash:
My baby Roxy <3

feed it some live food. I feed mine baby mice already and my python is only 4 months or so
My baby Roxy <3

I made this for NYP last you all may enjoy it: