My astrologer says world war 3 will start in 2012


New member
May 17, 2008
He used some technical astrological term about the sun and equator saying it will result in a massive change in human psychology and spiritual beliefs - for the worse!
The severity at that particular moment in time will have repercussions which will bring humanity to the brink of extinction.

According to his calculations the last time something of this severity happened was towards the end of cretaceous period. He says it could be a natural disaster or pandemic. But due to the nature of the alignment, it will most likely be a war.

Anyone into astrology know anything about this?
Oh **** OP! We're definitely all going to die. You should probably give all your possessions to me as a charitable donation so you can pop you clogs in good karma.
Astrology, horoscopes, psychics, fortune-tellers....that jazz is not tolerated on ihav!
Seriously, how the hell could the Sun and the equator (One, an inanimate ball of gas, the other A NAME) have ANY effect on the human psyche?

Sorry, don't know how else to react. Ok, maybe I can try. I don't believe in these exaggerated things. If anything IS going to happen, we won't realise.

Have you ever seen someone go "OMG toilet that flushes automatically!!" or "My God, I can see a person on the other side of the planet on a plastic screen!"

No, these obvious miracles go by unnoticed. So why bother trying to predict things. This is just paranoic association.

I bet on my... imaginary balls that the world will not end or change drastically in 2012 and that there will be no world war. You can have the balls for dinner if I'm wrong.
The Aztecs said the world's going to end in 2012, so maybe your astrologer has a point.

but it'll all be fine, 'cause the Doctor will save us :H

Get a proper job, you can't read the stars and your astrologist is clearly a deluded buffoon, as if they could predict the next war...ZOMMGG!!!

The equator = poor levels of spiritual belief, STFU.
ihav: Holy ****!
*raging tsunami of fire advances on them*

Let me handle his turgid member and he might be blabbering otherwise.:) :p: :eek3: