My 8 week old boston terrier has black tar like stool?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
i took him to the vet yesterday because he was acting VERY lethargic and had been for a few days, they gave him intravenous fluids, checked his temperature (it was 92 which she said is low) checked his glucose levels (that was high), took a stool sample (he had worms), gave us some kind of special food and sent us home. well today he is even MORE lethargic and now he has a jet black tar like stool, and he doesnt have enough energy to even stand up so he is pooping just laying there and he'll crawl away from it. he is the smallest of the litter (the runt), what could be wrong with him? he''s 8 weeks so i doubt its fading puppy syndrome as that usually happens within the first 3 weeks of life. any ideas? wouldnt a virus like corona virus or parvo..etc would have shown up in the stool sample? as the vet did not mention aything like that. please help, after $451.00 vet cost with no answers, i have lost all faith in my vet... and please mature answers please!