My 4G on my iphone 5 is not showing up or working?


Active member
May 13, 2008
When I first got my iphone, the 4G was fine. I could turn the wifi off, and just depend on the 4G to do things like go on the internet and connect to multiplayer on games and see high scores and all that jazz. But then just all of the sudden, it just stopped working. the "4G" disappeared from the top left corner, and it's basically forcing me to use the wifi - which I obviously cannot use EVERYWHERE. The wifi get's horrible connection, the 4G was so much faster and more efficient [as in i could have connections in places like cars and restaurants etc.]. I don't know how to fix it...does anyone else know how I can? I mean I can still call and text people, that's fine, but I HAVE to use the wifi for everything else and it's really annoying.