muslim racism

Well I'm muslim walhamdulilah and even I've been discrimated against by my fellow muslims. Some arabs, paks, and indians tend to think of us blacks as non human that can be treated anyway they choose. This un-Islamic practice was talked about by our beloved prophet Muhaofftopicd SAWS in his fairwell speech. Mind-you that he SAWS was a white arab. He SAWS said that there is no difference between the white and the black, the arab and the non-arab.
So this racism foolishness is a cultural thing, not an islamic thing. I know for a fact that the skin color doesn't make the difference, it's ppl's attitudes. The southern states in the usa were well known for treating blacks cruel and that's were I grewup. As a matter of fact that happened pretty much around the world for blacks.
Anyway I think this is an easy test to see if your stuck in a races mindset: Look at all the people of other races. List them all on paper and write all of the reasons you would and would not marry people from that race. Then look at your own race, and list all of the reasons that you'd would and wouldn't marry your own race.
Remember that doing something just because it is or isn't expected of you is supporting that thing, i.e. racism.
Can i ask Slip, have you never heard of the British Empire?
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Royal Families - throughout Europe
The renaissance movement through art?
What about western architecture?

"White culture" as it seems to be so stupidly put is what i assume he considers to be the history - which in turn moves onto culture, but it appears you dont want to offer anything to the equation to actually educate the man.

When you take up a martial art for instance, you become fixated with the rituals/history/lineage of the art, you look at the country, apprecciatte the culture, the belief, in a bid to understand everything that little more deeper, i would consider this discovering a culture.

But unfortunatly there does seem to be a movement where more and more working class white males feel segregated against, and it doesnt help there mentality and view when the government is so politically correct that you cant take pride in being British without being considerd a racist, it was debated and actually enforced (in some areas) that during the World Cup the National Flag was deemed racist, now not only is that an absolute farce, but it also breeds a backlash (in the stupidity that comes with the masses) where they look to another culture as the problem instead of the damn government who have put us all in this situation.

We should be proud to be British, why not??
And his argument is definatly not helped by sarcastic comments and people basically trying to insinuate that a man is in the wrong and is a racist (congratulations to the media cause everytime you hear that word you automatically think Nazi, Hitler, Regime, Hollocaust) for pointing out that he feels his culture is being lost along the wayside.

I dont believe he is right by basically saying that "oh they get it easy cause of ................" but he has a point, England is losing its history and culture.
Reminds me of two of my ex-colleagues who went to work in Saudi together in the '70's.
Both medical professionals one white, one black.

Upon arrival it was realised that one of these English was Black

The Hospital accommodation was segregated according to race. Whites & Arabs at the top, South Asians next. Then Yemanis, and finally Filipino, Indonesians on the bottom.

John, the black guy had to share the cramped accommodation on the bottom floor and was not allowed to interact with the Arab patients and had to dispense drugs out of sight

As you rightly say(& my wife often reminds me) Islam preaches against racism. Unfortunately, it seems that racism is ingrained much deeper than religion in many cultures.
I don’t think it is but things change, English culture is very adaptable and is evolving.

I think people just dont apreciate English Culture.

For example I went to a Cultural Unity Event recently, there was stuff from the local Asian communities and the local Caribbean communities even some Irish, but nothing from the local white English communities. Which I found rather strange, so much for cultural unity. There was even some guy calling for the Caribbean communities to have their own event, maybe they should but calling for it on a day about cultural unity was inappropriate.
"Wow do you have a very warped sense of history"

How so

"1) please define 'white culture' I am still not sure what you're on about. Really... let's here your definition... "

It wasn't my term, it's not a particularly "useful" term IMO, I was more interested in the reponse to it

"2) Hitler was 'white'... as 'white' as anyone in the UK. His whole cockamamey idea of 'white culture' killed thousands and thousands of people... many of the people who fought Hitler weren't even 'white'."

Er..yes I know...actually it was millions..and that's one reason I mentioned the Commonwealth..many Indian troops for example contributed in both world wars

"3) There were more countries than just the Commonwealth who stopped the Nazi's. You need to go back to gradeschool history to recap that one."

Er...yes I know...that's why I said "WE" as in the Allies, which included the Commonwealth

" You're post is suspiciously close to something spouted by the BNP. "

I guess you can read BNP into anything you like. And I guess you are assuming I'm white

"Your picture proves nothing other than your bizarre take on history. Now you're trying to draw a strong correlation between Nazi's and Muslims. Sorry but that doesn't exactly hold water."

The "correlation" between the Nazis and some Mulsim groups is clear in that and other pictures. It 's a historical fact. Doesn't mean all Muslims were Nazis any more than all white people are in the BNP

"Please stop trolling or at least come up with something more historically accurate "

What is innacurate? That certain Muslim countries or groups sided with Hitler?

"and oh... yeah... please give me your concise definition of 'white culture'.... this should be a fun BBQ."

See above. Practice your debating skills on someone else.
Culture is not a concrete 'thing' . Culture, and especially British culture has always been, and always will change and evolve. I look at it a a dynamic process.

British culture has always absorbed foreign elements due to both our island being one of successive invasions and our colonial past.

Look at the variety of food, music etc. that we have..........try finding a decent curry house in France

We have a long tradition of immigration and I think, rather than detract from "Britishness" this merely adds to it.

If there is a loss, or even a rejection of white Britishness, it is found amongst the dissafected mainly white Chavs that embrace the US popular culture (or media invention thereof!) and worship at the alter of celebrity. A lack of education and aspirations. I find this deeply disturbing

Still, it keeps the fake tracksuit & baseball cap industry ticking over, not to mention the sales of 'welfarebrew'.
we need to worry about extremeisim. there was a guy on fox news the other day, a jihadis, a reformed terrorists, who said the only way to get rid of them is to kill them.
I think the main reference was supposed to be the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a very prominent Palestinian leader who really did support the Nazis in WWII.

As for other Arab states supposedly supporting Nazism I have no idea.
There were a number of non-Germans serving in the SS - mostly small groups. There was even a contingent of around 20 British troops.

The Handschar SS Division was comprised of Croation Muslims

"The SS made use of the pro-Nazi Muslim religious leader, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to encourage the cause of fighting the ‘Jewish- Bolshevik menace’."

These are not opinions, these are facts. I'm sure the finger of collaboration can be ponted inmany other places too, but it doesn't change that fact.
So, er, you just found out that there are racists and scumbags of every colour, race and religion under the sun. Thanks for sharing that earth-shattering revalation with us.

Welcome to the real world. Enjoy your stay.