Musicians & Global Warming


Apr 7, 2008
Often lots of musicians are seen to be promoting green lifestyles, and telling us ordinary hard working Joe public that we need to seriously look into our life styles and cut down our foot prints and all that.

I find this really freaking annoying, when they fly all around the world on tour, play gigs every night which require there own power stations to power, and no doubt most dabble in drugs which has a world wide connection.

You see a singer songwriter, with an acoustic guitar (wonder where that came from) singing about how we need to save the trees.

I just don’t get it.
Musicians & Global Warming

Being a cynic where it comes to human nature I'd be inclined to say it's a mixture of reasons. Mostly shameless self-promotion but mixed in with a bit of guity conscience.

For example, I bet that Sheryl Crow secretly uses a lot of toilet paper.
Musicians & Global Warming

They justify it by being able to afford to offset their emmisions together with a Toyota Prius alongside the Rolls and supercars in the multiple garages.
Musicians & Global Warming

All I can say is Hear Hear!

These smug celebs really get on my wick. I personally find Sting and Bono the most santimonous shower of gits I've ever clapped eyes on. Al Gore has to be the worst though, I saw a TV show on him that said his electricity bill was something like $30,000. Hows that for an inconvient truth
Musicians & Global Warming

In my last job I spent a lot of time with the 'dark green' part of the environmental movement. What worried me the most was how they would happily condemn the use of air travel for holidays, yet when it came to their trip to india for their spiritual journey it was suddenly fine to fly. I think a lot of people are like this, not just musicians or environmentalists. It's a lot easier to condemn others and tell them to change than it is to judge yourself and your own actions.
Same elitist attitude you often see. “Never mind what I do. I’m smarter then you so you should mind what I say”.
Musicians & Global Warming

The big 'They'! A lot of these people are different, strangely enough.

I find Gore full of it, just as I don't trust Blair. Blair is now working with the The Climate Group. This is a consortium of regional governments (Ontario, California etc) some of whom have a good environmental record, finance corporations (most of whom are not in the slightest bit interested about ethical investment), and multinational retailers (like Walmart - the champions of world ethics, equity and environmental friendliness) who pertain to be into helping the environment in some nefarious way. While Blair works as an advisor to JP Morgan among others, and obviously can't be trusted as far as you can spit a rottweiler, AND has a record of promising a lot on the environment and not delivering much at, and is now traipsing round the world trying to convince governments that they can do what he couldn't (i.e. reconcile the budgetary concerns and objectives of Ministries of the Environment and Ministries of Trade and Industry world over - which is a thankless and impossible job, the failure of which will eventually result in all of us dying horribly), and thus is a shamless rat-fink of the lowest order, at least he has some high-profile researchers (Nicholas Stearn, David May) on his team.

There is a possibility of some consensus among lawmakers; however little chance of it being enough, or in time. And at least Gore and Blair and the likes aren't trying to tell the little people how to live.

And then there are people like Thom Yorke: he's a man who's released an essentially free album and refused countless energy-wasting concerts precisely because of their environmental footprint at great cost to him. You might say, 'Well, he can afford it,' but the point is he's sacrificing something and trying: not just moaning about other people, HIROJI!

And then there's Tom Cruise who babbles his insane nonsense about being able to make a difference and flies everywhere in his private jet, who can DEFINITELY suck my balls.

Just a few points. 'They' are not all the same. And we(them included) are not doing as much as we should.
Musicians & Global Warming

Whilst I'm definately sick of celebs craicing on about the environment and how we should all do our bit, I will say that a lot of concerts and gigs about bringing awareness to global warming etc actually do pay to offset the carbon emissions used up in order to have the concert.
Still...screw them. Celebs suck...especially Bono. Can't stand that smug SOB.
Musicians & Global Warming

I think it's a case of reading between the lines...

"YOU control YOURS and MY extravagances won't be so noticable".
Musicians & Global Warming

Bono is definatly the biggest tool of the lot. I particularly hate his rants about globalisation, without which, he wouldn't be making millions a year. He would still be in some crap hole, run down pub in Ireland.
Musicians & Global Warming

I'd be more willing to forgive Bono if his band were any good
Musicians & Global Warming