multiple sclerosis newbie?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I tested positive for an autoimmune disease 2 years ago. My Dr. referred me to a Rheumatologist who diagnosed me with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The problem is none of my medications are helping and I feel worse now than ever. I have started having trouble with walking (I walk like a drunk), coordination, vision, numbness and tingling. Not to mention pain and soreness. The worst thing is the utter and absolute fatigue I experience daily. The problems (except the fatigue) will go away a week or so then come back. My rheumatologist has suggested maybe MS in addition to or instead of RA and lupus. Anyone with MS have similar circumstances? Also I have no insurance and little income and hope someone can give me ANY advice.
Both MS and Lupus have been reversed by the following:

1) I know this will probably really be hard, but cut out dairy and really cut down big time on meat. (If you can, eat CANNED salmon 1-2X a week).
2) Take turmeric and ginger root capsules daily (per dose on bottle)
3) Take aloe vera capsules (two a day)
4) Try walking (long fast) 5 days a week and build up to 40-45 minutes
5) For a short period, (2 weeks) take 2000 IU of natural vitamin E a day and then cut back to 200 IU

BE POSITIVE and give this regimen at least 2 months

Good luck