MSN Message sent as an Email?


May 20, 2008
So this afternoon I was chatting with a friend over MSN, then I was talking with him again just recently when he says that I sent him an email earlier today (in the afternoon).

The thing is that I didn't, so he forwarded me back the email from *me* and it was a single line of text, or 1 message I sent to him during my convo with him this afternoon (according to my message history), and just that 1 sent message too when we had a full convo.

Is this a bug that anyone else has experienced, maybe a random thing with MSN, or did someone just get into my account and is messing with me?
Well we were both online at the time of the afternoon convo (maybe one of use was auto-resigned in from a quick loss of connection?)

Anyways, we do normally send offline messages to one another, but when we do, the recipient just gets it in a normal messenger window when they log in; never got one as an email before, let alone under cirucmstances like this.