moving the cats bed and litter tray?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
hi, we have a 1 year old indoor cat russian blue. have tried all the answers in these pages but am now at wits end. we let him have the run of the house at night and yet he sits outside the bedroom door meeowing and bumping it, then we moved him at night into a spare room with litter and bed and toys, still every morning at 6am hes bumping and crying, we tried the get out of bed and spray him with a water pistol, still he doesnt get the messege, have tried ignoring but it goes on and on and on, would it be wrong to put him in our outside shed at night with anothe rlitter tray and food etc and bring him in on the morning ? what if its freezing point outside ? am considering having to let him go. getting that bad.