Moving on: Shes gone, what now?

Eh, I became extremely heartbroken over the end of a relationship that barely lasted two months. It's not always about how long it lasts - you can grow extremely close to someone in very little time.
My biggest problem was that I didn't tell anyone about the pain I was feeling for a long time. You clearly don't have this issue, which is good.
I'm not sure I agree with a lot of the advice I'm seeing on this thread so far. Yes, finding someone is easy. But finding someone who you really care about? Finding someone who you want a romantic relationship with (assuming, that is, you're looking for more than just sex)? It can be tough.
Lol, idk that cheering up is the word for it, its still quite the rollercoaster. He is right though, finding someone is much different than finding someone to be deeply involved with. Especially for me, I'm judgemental, picky, and overall pretty cynical about how people approach relationships

As said, it sucks, but the good nature in which it all happened (good nature is said subjectively of course) is really helping me to get through it.
aye i'm way too picky too, but then if you're as paralysingly gorgeous as I am you can afford to be
Train more and think less of the negativity of your break-up as hard as that can be. Focus on the positive of how and who got you training in the first place