Movie: Can you help identify a sci-fi Australian movie I watched in late 90's?


New member
Feb 12, 2008
It was about an Australian Deseret survivor whos in the middle of the desert and one night he's sitting by the fire and suddenly a women in maybe her early 40's with dark brown hair approaches him, she was nude but there was nothing sexual going on. and she has no idea where she was or which world she was at, turns out she was dropped off by her ship on the wrong planet. and so she open up about a lot of important philosophical issues , and has the abilitiy to walk through time and takes the man with him to teach him and open his mind. by the end of the movie her people come and take her back. no actual space ships were shown in this movie. and at some point she talks to the man about his favorite tree from his childhood and whether his willing to cut it down. sorry this is all that I can remember. Thank you.