Motorola triumph ram? galaxy s2 4G?


May 11, 2008
Today I got a new phone to replace my Motorola triumph phone and went with the galaxy s2.. So far im missing my old phone and not as impressed with the galaxy as I thought I would of been.

I got a new phone because of storage problems on my Moto. Triumph where it constantly say memory space is low and I have to frequently clear data to make room so it doesn't block incoming text messages. Also lately ,since a few days ago when I pick up my phone to recurve a call I don't always hear anyone on the other end.. How can I fix that????? Has anyone had that problem with calls?? there a SD card or something I can buy to.boost up the ram in my Triumph? Im so far appreciating my old phone Better then this Samsung Galaxy S2 4G regardless of online reviews comparing the two...

If those two problems with the triumph I'll definitely consider returning this so far seeingly unpleasant device.... Not to mention, this new phone charges way too slow.. That's a major kill for me.
There is NO way to boost the amount of internal RAM onto a phone. As for the call issues, it may be that the signal on your end isn't that great (you may have not noticed this with the Triumph because the Motorola puts in some excellent radios on their phones, which boosts call quality). There is no way to change the internal radios on a phone without screwing anything up. Never had a problem with calls on my old Galaxy S2 either. Always worked really well.

What do you mean charges slowly? The GS2 has a much bigger battery capacity than the Triumph, so of course it's going to be charging slower (especially if it has a charger with the same volt capacity). Well, hope this helped.