Motorcycle Gadgets/Gears Requirements to Ride in CA?.?


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Alright, so I'm a new motorcycle rider (local drivers beware! New kid's in town with a bike!) and was just CHECKING to see what else i NEED to have and wear to be able to ride my motorcycle legally in the state of California. I don't want to get all happy with my helmet and get pulled over for something that i left out and did not know about. So... besides the HELMET, is there any other gears that are MANDATORY to be able to ride 'LEGALLY' in the state of California? Motorcycle Jackets? Shoes? Anything that is of specific MANDATORY like the helmet? :] Thanks!... and yes, i'm just searching for 'STREET LEGAL' requirements, i'm commuting to save me some money on gas. ;]
Legally? Just a helmet and your swim trunks. Or your speedos.
Hell! In California you don't even need eye protection!

And you may not have headphones on both ears, you need to use a hands free telephone to use, and you are not allowed to text.
mandatory or not you want some good riding gear to protect you in the event of an off, so leather or gortex suit leather gloves and strong boots, then if you do have an off your in with a better chance of coming off with only light damage. Hopefully you wont be be care full out there.