Most Powerful Countries

Yes, it's full of Hobbits, Orks, Wizards, Elves and Fairies

Hurrah! All hail the Swiss and their financial superiority! No one dare invade them for fear of losing their Black-Ops Pension account!
Don't forget the Swiss Guard in the Vatican- any country that can produce men who are intemidating while wearing pouffy silk shorts has to be serious.
In that case Greece ROOLS, because they have those sentries who wear tutus, and slippers with big pom-poms on the toes.
Australia is easily the most powerful country.

We have the crocodile dundee and Steve urwin.

How can you compete?
If by "power" you mean "number of cows" the answer is:

5. Argentina
50.9 million cattle

4. USA
96.1 million cattle

3. China
108.25 million cattle

2. Brazil
176.5 million cattle

1. India
226.1 million cattle
Do that, and we'll send you another load of convicts.

Your snakes and spiders wouldn't survive our winter. So if we can just hang on that long....
We Americans got homeboys.
They eat snakes and spiders for breakfast. It's call McBurgers. Just heard a commercial about that on a radio.
Its got to be Ireland...

We set up Irish pubs all over the world...send our young people over to you and raid your economy for money and marry your women.!!!!
Now that you said that.
I think it should be Mexico. After all there are so many Mexican in U.S. that they can surely overthrow U.S. and get control of the atomic bombs. Than they put a threat on everyone and bang.
Well there are far more Americans in the USA and they haven't put a 'threat on everyone' yet.

Oh, hang on....

PS: I'm only joking, OK?
Fine. Then we'll tell all Australians in England to come home, and there wont be anyone to work the bars there anymore.

No beer for you!
A large percentage of the hospitality staff in England are Australian. That doesnt just include pubs, but clubs and resteraunts aswell.

So no food and no clubbing.