Most knowledgeable people consider Jesus Christ to be history's first


New member
Feb 17, 2013
homosexual activist? I think it's really cool that society has matured to the point where we can admit this now. But I think it's awfuls that his teachings spawned a church run by child abusers.
There is no compatibility between Jesus' teachings and homosexuality.Although Jesus never discussed the practice the Bible,dictated by the Holy Spirit,certainly does.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites.
Well, no, on so many levels.

Jesus was no homosexual activist; no "knowledgeable people" think that.

There were a few bad men in the church; they are being rooted out, at the cost of much pain. The incidences of abusive priests is less than among the general population of those who work with children -- teachers, coaches, etc. Just look at the stats, and ignore the antireligious bias of the "popular" media.

The church is run by those who have dedicated themselves to God and the good of His people. There are far fewer scandals than in any type of human government.

Forgive me.
Well, "Will the Real Jesus Please "rise-up!"
That Be Cesare Borgia.
Divinci Painted his portrate for the image of this jesus charactor.
Yes Borgia was a "man's man."

He got a book out there at the book stores.
there is no historical accounts of a man named jesus, there is no real sources for the existence of jesus, which means jesus probably didnt exist.
no, but it does seem like alot of sexual deviant type people try to jump on the Jesus train though ..