Most embarrasing moment with parents?

when you are watchin a film on tv with them and a sex part comes on, thats a bad one for me because u dont know were to look lol
I, very ignorantly, took my mother to see American Pie at the cinema. It was ever so slightly embarrassing.

I also said to my dad "is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me" when I was 14 or so (I didn't know what it meant, although by then I should have done!) My parents won't let me live that one down :(
Got to be walking along shopping wiht my stepmum, when she suddenly comes out with "You know, if I found out that you had lost your virginity, you wouldn't be my daughter anymore." yeah. I kind of mumbled at that one. Maybe i'll be quiet on that front to her...
singing ' i wana make love in this club' when you're in the car with your catholic dad :p
:ditto: with legend.

also, there was this one time, when i was in a bookshop and i sat down on these chairs they had, and there was this guy on the seat next to me and he just satrted talking to me and he was pretty cute and had a great smile. :eek: anywyas, suddenly my parents rounded the corner, the first thing my dad did was glare at the guy in a "i'm watching you" kind of way and and my mom gave me one of those raised eyebrow looks as in "who the hell is that?" and the cute guy looked at them, then back at me and said "that's your dad huh?" and when i just smiled embarassed he said "guess i can't ask for your number then/ would be terrified to be your boyfriend"

i just slinked away and it was depressing. :sad:
lol i agree completely with the sex scenes on a film thing

one time when my mum just sat me down and said 'im presuming you havent had sex yet, have you?' i was like . ..mummble. . .no. . .mummble. . .

or when she told me to remember to use a condom . . . loudly in front of like my whole family . . . and she wasnt even joking . . .

a worse time was when i was about 13 and my dad took me to a doc and the doc asked me when my last period was . . . that was embarrassing too :eek:
When I was about 12/13 I saw the friends episode where Ross's new girlfriend wants him to talk dirty and just comes out with "vulva", which at the time I didnt know what it meant. I was eating tea with my parents a few days later and it went quiet, so i decided to say "vulva" in the same voice as him. Priceless look from my mum. Also was talking about my holiday with my mum and came out with "We bought two dildos" instead of "we bought two lilos".
Walking in to my parent's bedroom on my dad's birthday (to give him my present), to discover my mum was already giving a present of her own...
LisaPizza said:
When I was about 12/13 I saw the friends episode where Ross's new girlfriend wants him to talk dirty and just comes out with "vulva", which at the time I didnt know what it meant. I was eating tea with my parents a few days later and it went quiet, so i decided to say "vulva" in the same voice as him. Priceless look from my mum. QUOTE]

not reeli ever been embarrassed infront of parents, BUT

a good way to embarrass ur friends if ur an evil person (like me) is when ur walking down a street or sumwhere, say really loudly


"NO I WILL NOT FART IN YOUR FACE!!" like ur angry, then just let ppl turn around and give them funny looks, it brightens up my day :)
lol!!! im sooo glad thats never happened to me . . . tho my friend has his bedroom next to his parents, and they have very thin walls. . . apparently they errr. . . have fun every friday night, and he gets to hear all of it . .ahh nice.. .
lol!!! iv done something like that once. was with my friend and we were walking round town and i just shouted 'NO I WILL NOT GO POLE DANCING WITH YOU!!'