Mormons.... did you have a good GC weekend? did your prophet tell you any prophecy?


New member
Oct 4, 2011
Seems like old Joe would come up with prophecy at the drop of a hat (or the drop of a peep stone in a hat :)

and old Bring'em young was never short of an anecdote about people living on the moon and on the sun.

but the modern prophets seem to be very short on that major component of their title.... prophecy.
there are many things that a a modern prophet with a hot line to god could clear up.... a quick word about evolution, for example, could cure the wilful ignorance of many mormons.
ditto moment of conception, eternal status of stillborn children,

but, IIRC the only major doctrine added by Monson is about the eternal significance of too many earrings.

so..... please cure my ignorance and let me know what prophecies prophet Monson has given
I had a good weekend, thanks :D I didn't hear of any prophecies by president Monson, just inspiration to be a better servant of Jesus. Sorry I can't cure your ignorance of prophecies of Monson, but a quick google search didn't show anything.

I hope you had a good weekend yourself. God bless, and take care.
They already have a hard enough time keeping the followers from looking at facts and not relying solely on faith. When you have archeologist and DNA experts handing you proof everything you believe is wrong all you can do is rely on a little faith and lot of delusion. Tom Manson family wont rock the boat until necessary. The only thing that I can see will be when the government steps in and forces them to change doctrine to fit governments wishes like gay marriage. It is amazing to see the the divine revelations roll out of Salt Lake when you give them a little political pressure.
In the Bible, a prophet was pretty much anyone who had a testimony of God, and of Christ.

Prophets do more than prophecy, they are prophets, seers, and revelators.

Joseph Smith didn't make that many prophecies. He did have many revelations, however.

You make it sound like Brigham Young was always and forever talking about men on the moon and sun, when there's only about one recorded incidence of it. Besides, back then, even learned scientists believed that there could be men living on the moon. You cannot judge 19th century men by 21st century standards.

It was not Pres. Monson who said only one piercing, in each ear. However, that is not doctrine, major or minor, significant or not.

If you want to cure your ignorance, then read the next months' issue of the Ensign magazine, and read what they said.
No one can cure your ignorance except yourself. I suspect it would not matter what others testify to you about. You sound like you would be closed minded about it no matter what is said.

If you want to know the truth, only YOU can find it. That search begins with a sincere desire to know the truth, and a willingness to accept it when God reveals it to you.

Its up to you. God will know what effort you make.
i agree with your point, why not clear up some of these issues?

The LDS church certainly has a lot of "no official positions" for claiming direct, ongoing, first person communication with god

on the flipside they have changed their doctrine on "blacks and the priesthood" (to use the local vernacular on the subject) as well changing their temple rituals - which while seeming absurd to me did seem to affect many members deeply - and they are not very recent

but again, what good is the [alleged] conduit without more specificity?
Joseph Smith actually didn't come up with that many prophecies (well, not ones that came to pass, anyway). Brigham Young only had a couple himself. Since then there have been hardly any.

You're thinking of Josph and Brigham's propensity for teaching doctrine. The "prophets" always have continued to do this, as they did this past weekend. However, most of it is just reinforcement of loyalty to church leaders and a rehash of what is contained in the most recent revision of the "Gospel Principles" manual.

It was interesting to me that they continue to water down the more outrageous doctrines and corral the church more in line with mainstream Christianity. Teachings that used to set the Mormon church apart are now characterized as "speculation, not doctrine". And now instead of loudly proclaiming that all the other churches are an "abomination" and "apostate", they spend huge amounts of resources trying to convince members and nonmembers like that "we're christians too, just like you".

Seems like just a *bit* of institutional dishonesty, but the end results are quite nice. Mormons are a close-knit bunch with strong families, a love for God, etc. That's not a bad thing in the grand scheme of things!