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Feb 13, 2008
What's the point of the Currently Playing field? I see this on LJ, Xanga, and every blog, who cares really? Why does music impact writing? What if I'm not listening to anything or what if tracks change during the writing? It seems like some trendy, unecessary crap IMO.
Also, can I curse like a sailor in my journal? I know I can't on the boards, at times it's quite hard not too
haw. I am listening to music, but I'm just not posting WHAT I'm listening to. If anyone found out I stream the Russian Hits radio station all day I'd be a laughing stock
You're better off restricting the cursing to private journal entries.

Just a note about private journal entries -- if you go in and edit them, they will default back to public entries. You'll have to click "Private" again before you save your changes.