moon babies, astrology, and religion?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
The question is undoubted that one day we'll begin communities on the moon, but my questions are, what new religions will we make up (once we do that) to brainwash our children? Also, what would a person's birth chart look like if he/she were born on the moon? Would there be new undiscovered personalities these space children would acquire?
I never understood this either. Natal charts assume that the earth is the center of the universe, because at the time that astrology became a practiced art, this is what people believed. If someone is born on the moon...this blows everything out of the water.

Great question.

And maybe if people inhabit the moon, pastafarianism will finally become a recognized religion!
Actually I would just like to point out that some types of astrology have evolved as new scientific discoveries have been made.