Moms, Have You Started Eating Healthier Now That You Have Kids?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
I think I do. Before I had a child I would always eat out, eat fast food (ugh just the thought of fast food now makes me sick), junk food, sugary "juice" soda, etc. I didn't have very healthy eating habits at all. Now that I have a toddler I always stock up healthy foods like fresh fruit, yogurt, whole wheat pasta, salad, 100% Juicy Juice (that stuff is GOOD!), etc. What about you?
Yes, that's one thing! The hubby is NOT a healthy eater and resorts to frozen and convenience foods, making it hard to grocery shop. I am by no means a health food nut, but at the same time don't want to eat frozen pizza, Cheetos, and Mountain Dew every day.
I became a very healthy eater after I met my husband and now I think I am even more so. Our son will eat the healthiest food available though. My husband and I joke that we might have to live on ramen noodles so Columbia can have all the organic fruits and veggies.
definitely. we eat 90-95% healthy i'd say. there's always snacks in the house, but the healthier kinds - teddy grahams, organic fig newmans, goldfish, graham crackers. and lots of veggies and fresh fruit. ww pasta except for pastina - can't find that in whole wheat. tofu is a big hit here. we rarely do chicken nuggets but sometimes its ok. me and my husband wanted mcdonalds the other night and actually waited until the kids went to sleep because i felt too guilty to feed that to them for dinner!
I am definitely eating better, but I still have moments where I'm bad. I'm eating more organic, insisting on more veggies and fruits, and being more active. I'm trying to live by example and therefore trying to do better. It can be hard though....Mommy likes ice cream and french fries...
I have reverted back to my foundation of good eating habits now that my kids eat people food. I let it slip before I had them. now i know i am their role model so i try and be a good one. can't expect my kids to right if i won't. just have to get husband to do it too...

edit - thank you! I want the whole grain pasta and breads but he "cries" it doesn't taste right or what am i on a diet.... just eat it and hush is what i'd like to say. :)