Mobile phone - iPhone 5 vs. Samsung?

It all depends .
Samsung's s3 or note 2 are the leading phones ..
And according to me they r both better than iphone 5
I m using galaxy s2 but going to have nexus 4 soon....
I have used note 2 as my dad owns one and used iphone 5 of my friend....

There r two options
If u want looks and style .. Go with iphone 5

If u want better features in phone and ready to sacrifise some good looks then go for note 2 ..

Note 2 is simply the best out there .
There r tons of features in it .... Nfc's., wifi direct (10x faster than Bluetooth), huge screen, smooth touch and awesome stylus .. Etc etc many things
Plus camera features r awesome
Huge so cannot be operatd with single hand
Apps in play store r little less quality then app store but it wont see any difference

Iphone 5 on the other hand lacks in features ....
No Bluetooth connectivity to other mobiles....
No nfc technology
No removable battery nor expandable memmory
Small screen( not very but as comparison)
Camera is nice
Fits good in hand ( easy for one hand use)
Good looks
Smooth touch
Tons of apps in app store

It all depends on ur needs ......
I would go for samsung coz i hate apples sharing (too bad)
Otherwise i like apple
But still go for android
Need to upgrade to a new phone - iPhone 5 or Samsung? Any recommendations?

In order to help you.
I compared both phone specifications using
Finally i confirmed iphone 5 is one of the best phone than samsung.It has good battery for long time.If you are interested to buying this type of phone.Go to E-bay and get a locked phone.Because cost of the locked phone is cheaper than unlocked one.After getting a locked one and unlock your phone using Recently i bought my new phone by the same way.So only i would recommend this.I hope my post is very useful to choose your phone model.