Mobile Charger Help Please?


New member
Feb 14, 2011
I have built a bike mobile charger. I have used a dc motor from a old inkjet printer and used the LM317 VR to regulate the output voltage to 6.7 volts. It produces about 325mA.
The problem is that, if i connect my mobile in the bike charger it shows that its getting charged, but one day when it got completely discharged, i connected it into my bike and went for a 10 min ride, after my ride when i checked my phone, it still didn't switch on. What might be the problem? I think there is not enough current available to the mobile. If so, can i use 1rechargable battery in series with the output? If so how can i charge the rechargable battery at the same time. Please help me fast.
With Regards
Additional Details
If i plug my cellphone to my wall charger, it gets charged so fast. And my wall charger gave an ouput volts of 6.5 volts. The wall charger is marked at 125 mA. Please help.
What can be done? What are the possilble solutions.