MLS All-Stars beat Bayern Munich, Pep Guardiola gives Caleb Porter a finger wag


Jun 17, 2007
With their seven World Cup winners jetting into Portland hours earlier, Bayern Munich were heavy favorites against the MLS All-Stars. And when Robert Lewandowski scored a ridiculous goal just eight minutes into the game, it seemed like the All-Stars were in for another 4-0 loss like the one Manchester United slapped them with in 2011. Or, even worse, something like Germany 7-1 win over Brazil at the World Cup.*

But in the 50th minute, with Bayern still up just 1-0 and many of their stars still on the bench, MLS leading scorer Bradley Wright-Phillips scored with a thunderous blast of his own.

Then, in the 70th minute, MLS all-time leading scorer Landon Donovan willed the winning goal past World Cup Golden Glove winner Manuel Neuer.*
Though it was only a meaningless game against a team with many players still shaking off their World Cup victory hangovers, it was an enjoyable evening and a bit of a confidence boost for MLS after losing 3-1 to Roma in last year's All-Star game. But the result against a European giant was hardly a first — two years ago the MLS All-Stars beat Chelsea 3-2 in Philadelphia.*
It wasn't all rainbows and pony rides after the final whistle, though. Bayern manager Pep Guardiola was displeased with several heavy challenges committed against his players and the result probably didn't help matters. So, instead of shaking the hand of MLS All-Star and Portland Timbers coach Caleb Porter, Guardiola wagged his finger at him instead.*

Porter took the high road in his post-match press conference, though. From the AP:
''We certainly didn't mean anything negative,'' Porter said. ''Our players have nothing but the utmost respect for Bayern.''
And according to U.S. Soccer Federation chief Sunil Gulati, Porter and Guardiola did finally shake hands away from the cameras.*
All good with Pep Guardiola and Caleb Porter. With them for nice handshake outside the locker room after the game. #MLSAllStar
— Sunil Gulati (@sunilgulati) August 7, 2014
To paraphrase Sir Alex Ferguson: "All-Star games, bloody hell."*
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Brooks Peck
is the editor of Dirty Tackle on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him or follow on Twitter! Follow @BrooksDT