Mixed Signals! Does he like me, or is there an inside joke?


New member
Jul 22, 2008

There's this guy that I sort of like and he suddenly started showing me attention about 2 years ago. He does little things like calling my name and being annoying. He says he likes to annoy me but I don't give him much of a reaction back. Other times he can be alright (mainly when he's not around friends) and we have a good laugh. I've caught him looking loads and he's stared and smiled during PE lessons and during other lessons.
Everybody else is starting to call his behaviour an obsession as he's started calling me a name that isn't my name. He does know my name though, so I don't know why he does it. So I started calling him by a different name whenever he does it.
He's also started talking to his friends about me and asking people questions about me. But the other week he set a rumour going that I was a 'sex addict'. I'm not by the way. The only reason he did this was because I'm reading 50 Shades of Grey and I wrote an essay on Pornography. ;D
But just lately his friends have started joining in. Whenever he's near me they'll nudge him, smile, tease him or try and pull or push him towards me.
But he says he doesn't like me in that way despite what everyone says. Whenever he talks to my friends (he's started to be really nice to them) he asks them why they say he likes me, but never tell him if I like him.

So, do you have any idea what he's doing? We're both 16 if that helps. Is there an inside joke because his friends are joining in? If you have any ideas what they could be joking about, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me. Thanks! :D