miss wales :D


New member
Apr 11, 2008

hahaha, gg wales. Gotta feel sorry for a country who has her as their most beautiful woman. starting to see where all the sheep jokes come from

as a comparison, here is the lovely miss NZ-

also of note- miss england, miss egypt, and miss thailand
Lol man I would hug you, now...

Of course, the title of miss world has really nothing to do with the most beautiful woman,
It would not be fair to always choose women from exotic islands of south pacific, Jamaica, India, New Zealand, etc where really all beautiful girls are.

WALES - I mean are you serious she could not be Miss of my street
No need to look furthur than Costa Rica


I've been to Wales a few times and, unless I was severely intoxicated the whole time (a distinct possibility), I saw plenty of ladies who were miles more attractive than her.
Miss Kazakhstan's pretty cute http://www.missworld.tv/bio/bio.sps?iBiographyID=11641
Miss Wales look ugly as sin.

Miss NZ looks like an alien.

edit: having looked at the site, suffice to say, every one of them is either ugly or miles away from model quality. What a joke!
Hmm...methinks that you may have either odd taste in women Maverick, or possibly a few issues.

When you say models are you talking about those undead skeletons on catwalks?
Wonder if Jackie Chan is gonna be the guest judge again?

"Done her..do her...done her...lose the pigtails we'll talk....do her...do her......"

Chinese Taipei looks nice
LOL! dont know whats goin on with miss wales . there are some really nice looking welsh women - catherine zeta jones being the most obvious example. miss world is too political for my liking- the person who wins usually does so because of her country rather than herself. shame as there are some genuinly beautiful women amongst them
Of those listed, most certainly Ms. New Zealand. Why is she staring into space on that last pic? Maybe looking for a lost sheep? Baaaah.

Of the places I've been, I saw the most beautiful women in El Salvador. Me gusta!
Miss NZ looks quite nice. My claim to fame is that i used to date Miss UK when i was in college, not too long ago. She got kicked out of the Miss World competition because she did some topless shots a few years before. Those were the days!!!
BWAHAHAHAHA! Miss World 'too political'!
"Yah... I.. like, really love little fluffy animals..y' know..and....uh.. I really want to, like, work with children.....and....uh.....I really hope for, like, world peace"
Hardcore, cutting edge politics there!
I think I know what ya mean. None of these girls really strike me as that attractive. Most of them just look they are about to keel over from mal-nutrition