Miley Cyrus caught in ANOTHER photo scandal.

"Normal" 16 year olds aren't role models to little girls!

She should know better. My 10 year old cousin LOVES Hannah Montana, but I would hate for her to think its ok to pose like that at her age because Miley Cyrus does it.

If she wasn't a huge role model to young kids no-one would really care, its just the fact that like 5 year olds will want to copy her.
The formula for working out if someone is too young for you.

The must be at least [half + 7] of your age.
Oh please, that was barely a pose. She knelt on a chair and touched her hair. 5 year old girls wont think anything of it.
I fail to see why these pics are controversial. for heavens sake, shes just messing around in the changing room, theres nothing wrong with that! its not like shes naked or something.
Oh please. Anyone offended by this needs to get a reality check. A lot of girls have been having sex for years by the time they reach 16, why is her pulling a sexy face for a joke such a scandal? If you think normal sixteen year olds don't do this kind of thing, then you're incredibly naive.

As for her being a bad role model to children- what a load of crap. On her TV show, on the red carpet and in concert she's a fine role model. Do your ten year old children read the daily mail or internet gossip sites? No, I don't think so. So how would they know she does these things you prudes find inappropriate in the first place?
Are you actually serious? My God, I honestly cannot describe how laughably ridiculous your post is. Why should she know better? She was clearly goofing around.

When she shoots up with herion and streams it live via webcam then maybe, just maybe you will have some right to criticise her.

Until then, gtfo.
I still don't think Hannah Montanna is a good role model for children. She's a little bitch that considers herself superior to everybody else. She just gives the impression to other kids that it's ok to be like that. There's nothing wrong with those photos, it's just her personality I hate.
Thats a problem with the way society creates "role models" for children and then expects those role models to act like children; it's a silly expectation for parents to hold.
There's nothing sad about watching Sonny with a chance. It's probably the funniest programme on the channel and she's hot :p:
What about the picture of her in the shower?
What about the picture of her draped over a boy with her top pulled down and her bra exposed?
What about the picture of her wearing nothing but bed linen?

That may be nothing, but the others are pretty bad.