Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps doesn't do the butterfly stroke, butterflies do the Michael Phelps stroke.
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps swam out of his mother's vagina in 4.5 seconds which is a world record.

The previous world record was 5 seconds which was also set by Michael Phelps.

im just on a roll with these jokes :dodgy:
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps doesn't do the breast stroke, breasts do the Michael Phelps stroke
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

He has a whole shit load of golds so idk......
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

He's not overrated you dumb piece of shit.

Ignorance, the fruit of life?
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

michael phelps doesnt get wet in water, the water gets michael phelps
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Idk why, but I lol'd really hard...

You try too hard.
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps eats beef jerky and craps gunpowder. Then, he uses that gunpowder to make a bullet, which he uses to kill a cow and make more beef jerky. Some people refer to this as the "Circle of Life."
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

To me his winning that many medals doesnt make him the greatest, but the way he conducts himself. Even though everyone around him is talking crap coughfrenchcough, he lets his swimming do the talking and even though he is in a position where by all means he could talk just about as much crap as he wants.
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Yes he is dumb shit...There are much better athletes out there who don't have the chance to win as many gold medals as him. :tdown:
Michael Phelps really the "greatest"?

Michael Phelps would have kids, but his sperm swim so fast they'd turn a pussy into a circus cannon.

There is no 'ctrl' button on Michael Phelp's computer. Phelps is always in control.

well, i'm done stealing Michael Phelps jokes