Metrolink Accident *PICS*


Apr 14, 2008
so ST I was heading back home via train, from Riverside and I left at 7:01 AM from "Pedley Station",I've been stranded in various places since Friday night.So this is my first attempt at trying to get home, we lave at 7:01, about 10 seconds into the train ride were coming to an intersection, I'm just staring outside and I look down and I see two Mexican men with huge smiles on their faces hugging each other, and than they run away! I'm like whatever gay pride I suppose. Than I see a bunch of dust kick up and than train full on stops I'm just like "woah! they never do this", So we have been stopped for 30 minutes and I'm just about to get up and see whats going on. Well I go to the front of the train and I look down out the window and there is a fucking car under the train!(now i know why those two guys were hugging each other) So I take pics for ST, Now I'm stuck on this train for two hours before I can actually make a decision to go back "Pedley Station" or to "L.A. Union" so anyway I choose to go back to my Aunts house. So I step outside and Fox 11 is there along with Channel 4 and few local news papers, anyway the cops let me take some pictures (sorry about cellphone quality)

So apparently those two men, got stuck at the crossing when those bars came down, they jumped out of their car and the train hit it.
tl;dr-Car got pwned by train




The car is directly under the train

so two guys left their car under a train as a prank? Or was it for insurance. Im a tad bit confused