Men, women, and sex

No that's not stupid. It's just one point of view. If you want people to take your arguments seriously and want people to listen to you then you need to stop calling people stupid just because they might not agree with you. Respect is a two way street CV.
If someone has a solid argument then I'm more than ready to take it on board and maybe throw out my own beliefs if necessary.

But on this one? Again with the sodium hydroxide.

And why exactly do you feel it's ok to take the attitude you did with American psychology, but I'm disrespectful for calling people stupid when they take a destructive 'Sex is the great Satan!' attitude? Either it's ok, or it's not...
Scepticism is healthy. It leads to questions being asked. Investigation. Fact checking. And frankly given the ultra capitalist nature of American society and the fact the big pharmaceuticals there have been inventing disorders to suit the drugs they develop instead of inventing drugs to treat genuine illness it's a valid approach to take. Ask questions first. Suffer less later.
So basically, your post was okay because it was based on something valid?

I can appreciate that. But equally, so was mine. Just telling young people 'don't have sex' does not result in actual abstinence. I could have typed up a long measured response such as 'Yes, this attitude is understandable but in practice it's completely unrealistic'...but if I went into detail like that over every topic in the world my head would rupture, lol, so I chose the shorthand of 'People are stupid'.
Well because discouraging people from having sex too early isn't stupid. There are certainly better ways to go about it but the goal in it's self is not stupid. There's no conflict of interest in an effort to protect young women from disease, unwanted pregnancy and abuse or otherwise being taken advantage of.

The American pharmaceutical industry is well known for putting profit before the care of patients. And yes they are deeply embedded in every aspect of the American health care system.
If you want to debate a topic and be taken seriously, you have to clarify your point. Screaming abuse and calling people you disagree with stupid (or worse) just makes people think you are an intolerant child who makes sweeping statements and has knee jerk reactions to everything. Other people make the effort to clarify their positions, it's only fair you make the same effort if you want people to take your point of view seriously.
It's not THAT I disagree with - it's the attitude that sex is in itself some sort of 'evil' and should only be done when you're far into adulthood and want a child.

Of course young people should be taught to wait - until they, personally, feel ready and are responsible enough to be safe. Not some unrealistic goal like 'only when you're committed to one person for life' or 'until you're ready for a baby'.


I zeroed in on that one because it was the one we'd been interacting over. Seems reasonable to me.
I hardly think 'People are stupid' was screaming abuse.

I made that one casual comment - and then I detailed my position as you recommended doing. Hardly unreasonable.
Awwwwwe! thanks.

yes he was a douche. Such guys are often selfish and shallow, he has a past of it cheating on his wife (cause he couldn't have sex with her) using escort services up to here, he hit another woman when he was 19, he wanted someone to live with for compansionship and sex, when HE wanted it. Didn't give a flying you know what what I wanted. The relationship had to move at the speed that HE wanted. And he couldnt be alone for two seconds. He brokw with his wife and was with me immediately. Then when I broke up with him, he had his now gf waiting in the wings and she moved in with him about a week after we broke up. Even brought her to the dojo the very next training class after we broke up and shoved her in my face 'this is judy' He can't be alone for 2 seconds. Has absolutely NO idea of who he is by himself, he needs someone desperately. He said to me "i dont want your friendship its either bf or nothing' I even had a kitten that he said 'I'd have that put down before I'd let you have it' and when I broke up he kept the kitten and he tried to keep my IUD too that I was gonna have put in, and I had to fight with him to get my BC back. He's so desperate and he soo can't be alone I think he'd live with Karla Homolka if she wanted to live with him.Lawl.

Now he's got a gf who according to her he doesnt control her - but as I said to her one time thats cause she did what he wants! Believed in moving in with him right away, doesn't care at all about his past.

Now, he treats me like dirt and a BB friend of mine, Kara, a nidan, who he asked out about ten years ago and she said no, (i wish i had said no too)


Also the ones who made fun of you because you didnt lose your virginity at age 16. I got bullied by jerks about being 'the 40 year old virgin' I just went and had sex with whoever just so i couldnt be bullied anymore.
You have a history of posting unreasonable attacks/complaints/whinges/threats against people/groups who disagree with you. Perhaps that is why some people 'over-react' to some of your posts. My advice would be to post less rants dismissing as stupid people who disagree with you and more constructive points about why you disagree with them. Just because someone has a different view point to you on an issue doesn't automatically make them the one in the wrong. Issues are very rarely black or white, they are usually the shades of grey somewhere in the middle.
As I said very simply before. It takes time for modern innovations to change attitudes in society. And i would add this is especially true with a subject as sensitive as sex. And yes many people do consider sex to be a particularly sensitive subject.

The attitudes you are taking issue with have been embedded in our society for generations upon generations. And they will still be strongly held by many come the turn of the century. That however does not make people stupid.
See that attitude annoys me intensely. If someone chooses not to have sex, then I don't get why some people think that means they're fair game for bullying. If you haven't met someone you want to sleep with, then you shouldn't be forced to sleep with someone else just because the 'cool' kids think that in order to be taken seriously as an adult you should have had sex.
But do people who hold strongly to their beliefs automatically qualify as being reasonable, no matter what their IQ is, if by holding tightly to those beliefs they're being harmful and abusive to others?
Yep, I'm hot headed, but why focus so heavily on three words when there was a paragraph underneath detailing clearly why I took that view? Some perspective would be kind of nice here...

And the black and white comment was not necessary. I am normally more than happy to admit I may be wrong, or right in some ways but wrong in others, but on this issue I just don't see how an approach that leaves clueless young teens considering harming themselves with sodium hydroxide thinking it will avoid a pregnancy can have merit. Sorry.

Tradition is not an excuse. If you have a 14 year old daughter, you are not going to keep her safe by simply moralizing.
Indeed I even said that in the 'what would you like to see more of' thread' that I didn't really like brown belt cause its the color of turds