Men Am I Reading Into This?!?!?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
ok well... basically im engaged and i know my fiance loves me and everything and he wants to marry me... but... last december i was raped by a family friend... and since then ive gotten a kind of complex about myself and the world. and i get to the point sometimes where i ask him all the time if he is sure he loves me and he wants to marry me and if he still wants me... its very complicated and he says i need help before we get married and need to go to some christian counseling which im going to... cuz i never really got over the rape... just...what is he thinking right now? i know he doesnt hate me and that he loves me but does he still want to marry me? cuz he sent me back to my parents so i can get counseling and he is going to come see me as much as he can, but since i left he doesnt seem to talk to much to me or anything and i asked him why, he told me it was becuz he wants the time to pass quicker til we can see eahc other and that he feels like it will if maybe he doesnt think about me and get depressed that im gone... if u want more info or can just talk to me plz aim me at belladonnagirl08
thanks...I dont want to drive him away and he says hell never leave me ever cuz he loves me so much...i dont know what to think right now i guess and im wondering is this normal for guys to do?
i mean is it normal how he is acting not is it normal for him to love me so much lol